Eschly Kluge

Science Projects

Promp Gamma-ray Neutron Activation Imaging and Neutron Tomography (PGAI-NT), PGAA Facility @ research reactor FRM-II Munich, Germany

Amulet vessel PGAI-NT
PGAI-NT of an anchient amulet vessel
  • Neutron induced prompt γ-ray spectrometry and neutron tommography
  • Neutron beam propagation and γ collimation physics
  • Hardware control and software implementation programing
  • Python based data aquisition, analysis and visualization

Heavy Ion-Beam Profile Monitor and Time Of Flight System (CIMBI), Facility for Anti-Ion Reasearch (FAIR) @ GSI Darmstadt, Germany

CIMBI profile monitor
Picture of the CIMBI profile monitor
  • Heavy and light charged particle beam physics
  • 2D particle monitor and TOF system electronics
  • Ultra thin large carbon foil coatings via vapor dispostion
  • C++ based data aquisition, analysis and visualization programing

High Shell Excitation Spins of 168Er via Gamma-Gamma Angular Correlations, FIPPS Clover Array @ ILL Grenoble, France

FIPPS clover array
Picture of the FIPPS clover array
  • Study of collective multi-phonon states in deformed nuclei
  • Study of excited states above 1.9 MeV after 167Er(n,γ)168Er reaction
  • Gamma-gamma angular correlation via a 32 HPGe cristal array
  • C++ based data analysis and python based visulaizations

Monte Carlo Neutron Raytracing Simulations, Neutron Depth Profiling @ TUM Munich, Germany

Neutron ray-trace
Picture of the FIPPS clover array
  • Monte Carlo methods and C based neutron ray-tracing simulations
  • Neutron quantum physics.
  • C++ based data analysis and visulaization


  • E. J. Kluge, C. Stieghorst, Z. Revay, P. Kudejova, J. Jolie.
    Optimization and Characterization of the PGAI-NT Instrument's Neutron Tomography Set-up at MLZ.
    Nuclear Instr. and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 932 1-15, April 2019.
    [ DOI | http ]
  • E. J. Kluge, C. Stieghorst, F. E. Wagner, R. Gebhard, Z. Revay, J. Jolie.
    Archaeometry at the PGAA Facility of MLZ – Prompt Gamma-ray Neutron Activation Analysis and Neutron Tomography.
    Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 20 303-306, April 2018.
    [ DOI | http ]


  • SAAGAS 27 - 2019
    PGAI-NT and Archaeometry at the PGAA facility of MLZ
    [ website  |  pdf ]
  • Neutrons for Culture and Art - 2018
    Archaeometry at MLZ's PGAA-facility. Spectrometry and structure visualization of Gallo-Roman cultural heritage objects with PGAA and Neutron Tomography
    [ website  |  pdf ]
  • NINMACH - 2017
    PGA-Imaging and Neutron Tomography at MLZ's PGAA-facility (FRM-II). A position-sensitive spectroscopy-visualization method with neutrons
    [ website  |  pdf ]
  • SAAGAS 26 - 2017
    Fortschritte zur ortssensitiven Spektroskopie-Visualisierung mit Neutronen PGA-Imaging und NT am MLZ (FRM-II)
    [ website  |  pdf ]